February 2021 Service
February Hours: 3 Running Total: 18 After our second exam this month, I hopped in my car with all of my glass and headed to Louisa street for another afternoon with GHF! Agnes was there- she is one of my favorite volunteers to work with. The warehouse has an "Agnes Zone" where she stores, cleans, and organizes special glass that she repurposes, gives away to NOLA artists & creators. Large drums of glass can be reused for making beer/wine. We also get tons of beautiful vases, cups, random glass objects that Agnes stores and lets people take if they want it! I have a few vases from GHF that I have been keeping full of Trader Joe's flowers the past few months. Lots of the bottles we receive have pieces that cannot go into the machines immediately. Whiskey bottles with rubber decoration, champagne bottles with metal bottoms, and anything with a lagniappe of plastic. I recorded myself using a screwdriver to peel off plastics from v...